Aria maestosa tutorial
Aria maestosa tutorial

aria maestosa tutorial

Trigger sounds with movement as visualized by a standard webcam

Aria maestosa tutorial software#

The Kinectar Project is a free software program that works together with an XBox 360 Kinect sensor (connected to a PC) to interpret the user's movements and uses them to control MIDI sounds or other events.Īdaptive Use Musical Instruments software FREE Moving the head up and down changes pitch, blowing into the mouthpiece determines velocity.Ī MIDI controller similar to the Magic Flute but more like a harmonica where moving the head from left to right as well as blowing or inhaling control the pitch and attack of notes.Ī gesture based motion controller that can be used as an alternative input device. The Magic Flute is an electronic instrument and MIDI controller that can be used by musicians with special needs. The Beamz is an electronic instrument that triggers different sounds when the user breaks one of several different laser beams with their hands or other object. The Soundbeam allows mobility impaired students as well as others to create music by moving their arms,legs, or body. HARDWARE Special Needs and Adaptive Instruction Hardware If you prefer a program that is not provided in these lists please feel free to add a comment about it and it may be added in the future. For those items without a dedicated review on this site the link will take you to the manufacturer's site or to an Amazon description page. For many of the titles the links will take you to pages here at MusicEdMagic where the official review of the software or hardware product is provided. The comments made regarding the products are also not intended to be official reviews. The various tools found in these articles are not ranked in any particular order. You may also want to add our RSS feed to your favorite RSS reader. You will receive an email approximately once a week with links to all of the new articles, reviews, and information that has been published on MusicEdMagic recently. If you like the tools you find on this page consider signing up for the MusicEdMagic newsletter from the form on the home page. It includes such categories as music notation software, drill design software, special needs hardware, and many more. This article provides an updated list of dozens of different low cost or free alternatives to expensive music education products. Finding ways to stretch your budget in a music classroom is always important and even more so when trying to purchase high tech electronics, software, and other materials.

Aria maestosa tutorial